
未来发展控股(01259)发盈警 预期年度亏损约8300万-8900万元

Future Development Holdings (01259) is expected to make an annual loss of about 83 million-89 million yuan. ·  Mar 21, 2022 22:16

Zitong Financial App News, Future Development Holdings (01259) issued an announcement that the group's after-tax net loss for the year ended December 31, 2021 is expected to rise, and it is estimated that the group's after-tax net loss will range from about 83 million yuan to 89 million yuan. The group made a net loss of about 37.9 million yuan after tax.

The loss in the Group's performance was mainly due to increased market competition in the anti-epidemic products and personal care products industry, resulting in reduced revenue from the personal care products division, increased manufacturing costs and the failure to effectively transfer cost increments to customers, resulting in lower gross profit margins in the personal care products division; and losses in the securities investment business due to fluctuations in the global securities market.

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