
HM INTL HLDGS(08416.HK)年度由亏转盈388.4万港元

HM INTL HLDGS (08416.HK) year changed from loss to profit of HK $3.884 million ·  Mar 18, 2022 17:40

HM INTL HLDGS (08416.HK) announced on March 18 that for the year ended December 31, 2021, the company's income was HK $173 million, an increase of 44.6% over the same period last year; the profit attributable to the company's owners was HK $3.884 million, compared with a loss of HK $4.53 million in the same period last year; earnings per share were HK0.97 cents, paying a final dividend of HK0.75 cents per share.

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