

Real experts all understand the importance of "stability".

紅與綠 ·  Mar 16, 2022 23:49

Real masters all understand the importance of ability stability, and they "input" and "output" steadily. Improve a little bit every day, and then move forward a little bit. When you look back at a certain time, you will find that you have come a long way.

A traveler went up the mountain to study, staring at the distant mountain, thinking that he must arrive before sunset.

So he quickened his pace, but he accidentally stumbled over the stone under his feet and broke his head. In the end, he had to limp along at a tortoise speed and could not arrive on time.

He was so anxious that he kept complaining that the mountain was too high, the road was too steep, there were too many stones, and time was in a hurry.But the only thing I can't see is that I'm too anxious.

Don't we often do the same?

Moving in a hurry is the rhythm of this era, full of anxiety, and the living state of people living in the torrent of the times.

But the real master has already got rid of anxiety.And impetuous, they all understand the importance of "stability".

Be emotionally stable and be responsible for yourself

People need to have a variety of qualities, the most important of which is emotional stability.

In the book dangerous Personality Identification, emotional instability is regarded as a dangerous personality. People who are emotionally unstable often lack the ability to control their emotions, and a little stimulation can make them their masters. This leads to their changeable temperament and extreme jumping.

People are in pursuit of stability and peace, and no one likes to live in shock.The degree of anger and complaint will only make friends and opportunities farther and farther away.Round and round to form a vicious circle, work and life may be affected, hurt is their own.

People who are emotionally unstable often choose to get angry with their loved ones. When quarrels become the norm in family life, bad emotions spread so much that both affection and love will wear away in the capricious "change of face".

In fact, no matter how much difficulties and pain we encounter, there are always people who can live to death, life will never collapse, only our emotions that can not stand the test will collapse.

Be emotionally stableYes, it is a scarce ability of an adult.

Looking at life, we can find that the really good people, who give you a sense of dependence, trust, sense of security, and intimacy, are often emotionally stable.

They are calm and calm in the event of an emergency, and they will not be stunned or distracted.

If you encounter difficulties, be persistent and firm, and will not easily doubt and retreat.

Make up your mind and try your best to deal with things that are angry, and you will not be reckless with the consequences.

The ancients said: "joy and anger are not in the face" and "Mount Tai collapses in front but the color remains the same". This is the kind of person who can look as usual and take it calmly in the face of extreme circumstances.

Stable ability, which allows you to walk a long distance.

"No good hands" is a chess term, refers to people who are good at chess, often a whole game of chess you can not see that kind of magic move, or try to turn the tide.

It's a little counterintuitive. Why is that?

In South Korea, there is a go player named Lee Chang-Ho, who is a world-class master in the go world. The biggest feature of his chess, and also the most troublesome technique for his opponents, is that he only asks for a 51% winning rate in each hand, commonly known as "half-eye victory."

He once told reporters: "I never pursue good hands, nor do I want to defeat my opponent in one fell swoop." "As long as each step is a little better than the opponent, it is enough to win.

This is precisely the strategy of the master. Although the so-called "good hand" looks cool and wins beautifully, there is a problem-when it hits the opponent with a fatal blow, it often exposes its own flaws. As the saying goes, "after a great victory, there must be a big defeat; after Daming, there must be great darkness."

Moreover, the "wonderful hand" is unstable and unsustainable, and it is impossible to accumulate skills through deliberate practice. Once the "inspiration" dries up, it is hard to avoid being at a loss. Just like guarding a city, it is not possible to rely solely on "strange soldiers". After all, it must be protected by deep trenches and high bases.

In contrast, "no good hands in the whole" seems mediocre, but it is safe to win by accumulating victory in a little bit and turning the crisis into invisibility.

Real experts all understand the importance of ability stability.They have steady "input" and stable "output".Improve a little bit every day, and then move forward a little bit. When you look back at a certain time, you will find that you have come a long way.

Inner stabilityHave no fear of wind and rain

There is a deep uneasiness in everyone's heart. The sense of helplessness inside the heart, the sense of drift, the sense of uncertainty about the future. We are often unable to do what we want.

There are often examples in life: when I was a child, I liked to draw, but when I heard that it was difficult to get ahead, I gave up. Later, I like photography, but a good camera costs tens of thousands, so forget it. Later, when I wanted to write, I tried to submit a few articles, but they were all returned one after another. I felt that I had no talent and was not that material.

After a long time, I began to get confused, constantly doubt myself and deny myself. As a result, life has become a swamp beyond the horizon.

The harder you try, the more impetuous you become; the more you struggle, the more you sink. Actually, the reason is very simple, becauseYou don't know where your direction is. The more you move forward, the more unstable your feet will be. As soon as the wind blows, you will fall down directly.

You don't just calm down and work hard, you just want to finish early and ask for a result. If you are absent-minded, distractions will pour in.

Bi Shumin once said:Happiness is a kind of inner stability.

The so-called inner stability, first of all, is the inner certainty of the future, not impatient, not blind. As long as the direction is correct and the pace is stable, it is only a matter of time before we arrive.

The second is to grasp the stability of life. Understand what can be changed, such as how to see yourself, look at the world, and then try your best to change it; understand what you are unable to change, and then let go and be bearish.

Life, vegetation and autumn, even if it is material desire, but also adhere to, only meditation, can not be chaotic, safely face.


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