
富途研选 | 亚马逊、微软冲击万亿美元市值的底气来自这里

Futu Research | The motivation for Amazon and Microsoft to hit trillion-dollar market capitalization comes from here

富途资讯 ·  Jul 11, 2018 15:17

This article is edited by Shen Wanhongyuan Research report: from leading high growth of all nodes to future virtualization.-- depth of cloud computing industry

Cloud computing is the extension and development of traditional IDC services, through virtualization to optimize delivery / service efficiency, resource allocation scale, resource allocation speed, and then improve the operation efficiency of the whole platform.

First, cloud computing makes four parts of money:

A) IDC volume
B) Middle and low end hardware volume
C) significant implementation / upgrade savings in software and services, resulting in economies of scale
D) A large amount of software data has mining value


II. Advantages and Future of Cloud Computing

Advantages: ideally, the cloud model saves 95% on initial procurement costs.


Future Trends:

(1) the future virtualization technology (virtualized servers, network devices, storage devices, security devices, graphics cards, etc.) will be the development direction of IT architecture.

(2) Super fusion is the next trend of cloud: China's super fusion system has an average annual compound growth rate of 51.6% in the next five years.

(3) containers have great potential to replace virtual machines to become the infrastructure of cloud computing and become the mainstream software application hosting mode.

III. General situation of domestic Cloud Computing Industry

Cloud computing scale:The US cloud computing market accounted for 62.85% of the global market share in 2017. It is estimated that CAGR will reach 19.8% from 2015 to 2020. At present, there are more private clouds than public clouds in China's entire cloud computing market, and IAAS in public clouds overtakes SAAS (SAAS accounts for 2% of the global cloud computing market).


Competitive pattern:Aliyun, Amazon.Com Inc AWS, Microsoft Corp Azure and Google Cloud are the main forces in the global cloud computing market.

  • IaaS (Infrastructure Services)

There are the following in ChinaFour categories of players:


The pattern of "one super and many strong" of IAAS in ChinaAliyun takes the lead, with Tencent Cloud and Kingsoft Cloud Holdings steadily increasing their market share. However, there is still a big gap with foreign countries.


At present, there is no serious overlap in the downstream of the three cloud computing giants, and they are all in the stage of attacking the city. However, price war is the main means for major manufacturers to compete for market share, and there is a fierce price competition among the three major cloud manufacturers.

From the perspective of the major customers of several major manufacturers, at present, the main users of the public cloud come from the Internet industry. There are still a large number of downstream vertical areas waiting for the upper cloud. Industrial 4.0, medical treatment, and civil-military integration are the main directions of cloud computing development in the next stage, and the downstream demand is in the ascendant.


  • Development trend of PaaS (platform Services)


  • SaaS (Software Services)

How to identify good domestic SAAS enterprises: low customer acquisition cost + high renewal rate.

(1) the leader or leader of the software segment industry

From the perspective of the transformation of Autodesk, the subscription revenue model can better withstand the impact of cyclical fluctuations. From the perspective of China's software market, the main strong cyclical downstream industries are: construction, government affairs and so on.

(2) there are a large number of high-quality customers accumulated.

Users mainly come from newly developed customers, old customers and customers transformed from competitors. High-quality key customer resources can not only provide the basis for customer transformation, but also solve the problem of "left-handed and right-handed" in new customer development.

(3) users in the industry have a high acceptance of the cloud model.

CRM's SaaS mode is more acceptable than ERP. The supporting indicators can refer to the conversion rate, renewal rate and repetitive income of customers in the early stage of transformation.

Stronger IaaS and stronger SaaS need to be connected. C-side (Internet) and B-side (enterprise informatization) start a new round of cooperation, and the best B-end manufacturers change from competition with C-side manufacturers to equal cooperation.

For more wonderful content, please mark: the past period of the rich way research election.

(editor / Zhao Xianju)

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