
富途研选 | 大数据如何赋能未来医疗行业

Futu Research | How Big Data Can Empower the Healthcare Industry of the Future

富途资讯 ·  Jun 25, 2018 21:31

Edited by iResearch Consulting:Big data Industry report on Health Care in China

China's medical industry is faced with problems such as imbalance of supply and demand structure, imbalance of medical resources, medical insurance overdraft and so on. The application of big data provides a feasible attempt to solve these problems.

The main problems facing China's health care industry


The implementation of graded diagnosis and treatment should be based on the exchange of information, resources and interests.
In 2015, the National Health and Family Planning Commission proposed that the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system will be fully established in 2020, including grass-roots first treatment, two-way referral, emergency and slow triage, upper and lower linkage triage diagnosis and treatment, and so on.In the process of building the new model, there are three main problems. 1) there is no flow of information, most of the medical institutions are isolated islands of information, and patients' information cannot be shared and circulated quickly; 2) there is no flow of resources, high-quality doctors are mostly concentrated in the top hospitals in provincial capitals, and the energy of doctors in third-class and first-class hospitals is limited; 3) there is no exchange of interests and there is a lack of effective interest bundling mechanism among hospitals to promote the flow of patients among hospitals.


Big data contributes to the overall upgrading of China's medical ecology.

The application of big data technology will bring about transformative improvements from five aspects: system construction, institutional operation, clinical research and development, diagnosis and treatment, and lifestyle. Due to the strong supervision of China's medical system, if big data wants to realize its value in the industry, it is necessary for the state to establish a set of top-down strategic policies, so as to guide hospitals, pharmaceutical enterprises, private capital, insurance and other institutions and enterprises to build projects. cooperate with each other, and finally realize the change of medical habits from "treatment" to "prevention" and reduce medical expenses from the individual to the country.


There were 35 investment and financing events in Q1 big data in 2018, and the industry boom officially began.

The number of big data investment and financing events in health care has increased since 2014, with a maximum of 66 in 2016 and a slight decrease in 2017. In 2018, Health Care big data had 35 investment and financing events in Q1 alone, of which 12 came from medical information construction, mostly enterprises using AI, semantic recognition and data models to mine diagnosis and treatment information and connect platforms inside and outside the hospital. Affected by the artificial intelligence boom, there were 17 investment and financing events and 5 Q1 events in 2018. It is expected that more capital will enter the field in the future.


Multiple subdivision scenarios are explored at the same time, and auxiliary diagnosis will be commercialized first.

Health care big data industry is based on data scale, and with the encouragement of policy and capital, some application scenarios have entered the market start-up period, such as health management, assistant decision-making (general practice-assisted decision-making, imaging pathology-aided diagnosis, etc.), medical intelligence and so on. In the next stage, with the long-term application and exploration of big data / AI technology, the products are constantly updated and improved. It is estimated that within 2-5 years, the products will first be promoted among B-end customers; then, with the increase of software friendliness and accuracy, under the influence of B-end customers, the C-end market will compete.




Challenges and future trends



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