

Economic Daily: the reduction of service charges does not mean that the future of platform enterprises is worrying.

富途資訊 ·  Feb 23, 2022 10:04

The Economic Daily article pointed out that recently, 14 departments have jointly issued a number of policies on promoting the recovery and development of difficult industries in the service sector.

Among the 43 rescue measures, some people have focused on this one: "guiding Internet platform enterprises such as takeout to further lower the standard of service charges for merchants in the catering industry", interpreting it as the continued decline in the supervision of the platform economy, the valuation logic of the platform economy needs to be reconstructed, and the share prices of some takeout platforms have plummeted as a result.

The reduction of service charges may affect the valuation logic of the platform economy, but it does not mean that the prospects of platform enterprises are worrying.

At present, the service industry is not only trapped by commission, rent, labor and other costs, but also the lack of willingness to spend, and the latter may be more critical.

Edit / charlie

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