

Summary: when you fell asleep early this morning, the situation in eastern Ukraine changed dramatically!

環球網 ·  Feb 22, 2022 08:42

Source: world wide Web

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on February 21 local time that he recognized the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic as independent countries.

Subsequently, the parties reacted quickly. Us President Joe Biden, German Chancellor John Schultz and French President Marco Macron spoke on the phone to discuss how to coordinate the next steps in response to Russia's move. The White House said Biden spoke to Ukrainian President Mikhail Zelanski to reaffirm the United States' commitment to Ukraine's "sovereignty and territorial integrity."

The United States announced financial sanctions against Russia on the 21st local time, and warned that it was prepared to impose more sanctions if necessary.

French President Jean-Claude Macron and British Prime Minister Johnson condemned the Russian president's decision to recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk.

On February 21, local time, UN Secretary General Guterres issued a written statement saying that he was deeply concerned about Russia's decision on the identification of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. he called on all parties to peacefully resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine in accordance with the New Minsk Agreement endorsed by the Security Council in Resolution 2202 of 2015.

Screenshot of Russian President Putin's televised speech

In April 2014, civil forces in Donetsk and Luhansk prefectures of Ukraine clashed with Ukrainian government forces, and the civilian armed forces subsequently announced the establishment of the "Donetsk people's Republic" and the "Luhansk people's Republic". Through the mediation of the international community, the parties to the conflict reached a ceasefire agreement in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, in September 2014 and February 2015, respectively. Since then, large-scale armed conflicts have been brought under control, but small-scale exchanges have occurred from time to time. Since Joseph Biden became president of the United States, he has advocated being tough with Russia, supporting Ukraine's accession to NATO and strengthening military assistance to the Ukrainian government. The situation in Ukraine then heats up again. In December 2021, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on conducting security dialogue with the United States and other Western countries, asking the United States and NATO to provide legal protection to rule out the possibility of further eastward expansion of NATO. From January 10 to 13 this year, Russia held talks with the United States and NATO on security proposals, but did not achieve substantive results.

Recently, relations between Russia and Ukraine have remained tense, and the two sides have deployed a large number of military personnel and weapons in the border areas between the two countries. The United States, Ukraine and NATO claim that Russia is "invading" by assembling a large number of troops near Ukraine's eastern border. Russia denies this, stressing that NATO activities threaten Russian border security, and Russia has the right to deploy troops in the country to defend its territory.

Putin announces recognition of the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic

On February 21, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a national video speech, announcing the recognition of the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic as independent countries.

Putin said in his speech that the situation in Donbass is extremely serious. The purpose of his televised speech today is not only to assess the situation, but also to inform the people of Russia's decisions and possible measures to be taken in this regard. In his speech, Putin first reviewed history and then said that Western countries such as the United States and NATO have shamelessly used Ukraine as a potential war ground, sending a steady stream of weapons and military instructors and advisers to Ukraine. NATO and Ukraine held joint military exercises, stationed troops in Ukraine, and Ukraine's airspace and waters were also open to NATO. NATO headquarters can even take direct command of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Putin stressed that NATO is constantly trying to convince Russia that NATO is a purely defensive alliance, but five historical eastward expansions have enabled NATO military facilities to be deployed in areas close to the Russian border. Americans use Ukraine to pursue anti-Russian policies. Ukraine's accession to NATO is a direct threat to Russia's national security. Historically, it makes no difference for Russia to accept or postpone Ukraine's NATO membership.

Putin said that Russia is well aware of its responsibility to safeguard regional stability and security. It is for this reason that Russia has put forward relevant proposals on European security. On the other hand, the United States and NATO did not respond to Russia's three core concerns in response to Russia's security proposals. these include the cessation of NATO's eastward expansion, the restoration of NATO military infrastructure in Europe to the level of 1997, and the cessation of the deployment of offensive weapons near the Russian border. Russia is willing to discuss some security issues with the United States and NATO, but only if there is a package of discussions on major issues related to Russia's core concerns. Russia has every right to use all means of response to safeguard national security.

Putin said that "genocide" and other humanitarian crises are taking place in the Donbass region. The Ukrainian authorities are trying to stage "blitzkrieg" in Donbass, and they themselves do not want to implement the Minsk agreement.

On the afternoon of the same day, Putin presided over a security meeting of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin to discuss the Donbass issue. Putin hopes that all participants will study Russia's next steps and whether civilian armed areas controlled by civilian armed forces should be recognized as independent countries on the basis of the request of Donetsk and Luhansk civilian armed leaders to Russia to recognize it as an independent country, as well as the appeal of the Russian State Duma to the Russian president on the recognition of civilian armed self-proclaimed states. Different from previous security meetings, this meeting was broadcast live on television.

Putin said that in order to hear the true expression of opinions, he and all the participants did not communicate in advance on the topic of the day.

Putin stressed that whether or not to recognize the civilian armed areas in eastern Ukraine as a state is closely related to the security of the world and Europe, because the use of Ukraine as a tool of confrontation with Russia is a serious threat to Russia. Dmitry Medvedev, Vice Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Volodin, Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Matviyenko, Chairman of the Russian Federation Council, Russian Prime Minister Misshuskin, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Patrushev, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, Russian representative of the Tripartite contact Group on Ukraine, Russian Director of the Federal Security Service, Nareshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, and others took turns to speak. It is pointed out that Ukraine, with the connivance of Western countries, refused to implement the Minsk agreement and assembled heavy weapons, including tanks, and 59300 soldiers near the contact line between Donetsk and Luhansk. In order to protect the lives of the people in the Donbass region, the vast majority of participants supported the immediate recognition of the Wudong civilian armed control area as an independent country, and a small number of members believed that if the situation could not improve, the Wudong civilian armed control area should be recognized as an independent country.

Putin instructed the Russian military to ensure peace in the Donbass region

On the 21st, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin, after declaring the independence of the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic, instructed the Russian Defense Ministry to ensure that the Russian armed forces maintain peace between the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic before the treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between Russia and the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic are ratified.

The Russian legal portal released the contents of the presidential decree recognizing the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 21st. According to the presidential decree, because Ukraine refused to implement the Minsk Agreement, Russia recognized the two republics as independent and sovereign states in accordance with the wishes of the local people. The president ordered the Russian Foreign Ministry to start negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the two countries, draft a treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance with other relevant Russian departments, and complete the signing of the treaty in accordance with the procedures. The presidential decree requires the Russian Defense Ministry to ensure that the Russian armed forces maintain peace between the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic before the treaty of friendship and mutual assistance is ratified.

The Russian State Duma and the Federal Council will hold a meeting to support Putin's decision to recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk

Tolstoy, vice chairman of the Russian State Duma (House of Commons), said today that the State Duma and the Federal Council will hold a meeting on the 22nd to support President Putin's decision to recognize the Donetsk people's Republic and the Luhansk people's Republic.

Biden meets with national security team to discuss crisis in Russia and Ukraine

On February 21, local time, US President Joe Biden met privately with the national security team that day to listen to the latest intelligence news about the situation in Russia and Ukraine. As the 21st is a federal holiday in the United States, Biden did not disclose his itinerary.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Abraham Lincoln said that the United States and its allies and partners would respond "quickly and firmly" if Russia took action to recognize the Donbass region as part of Russian territory.

Since the end of February last year, the exchange of fire and casualties in the Donbass area have increased. Ukrainian government forces and civilian forces accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement. Since Joseph Biden became president of the United States, he has advocated being tough with Russia, supporting Ukraine's accession to NATO and strengthening military assistance to the Ukrainian government. The situation in Ukraine then heats up again.

White House: us President to sign Executive orderProhibition of economic exchanges between American citizens and Donbass

White House press secretary Jane Psaki issued a statement on February 21 local time in response to an order signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognize the Republic of Donetts and Lugans.

Psaki said that the United States had expected such action from Russia and was ready to respond immediately, and that President Joe Biden would soon issue an executive order banning Americans from making new investment, trade and financing in Donetsk and Luhansk. The decree will also authorize sanctions against those who decide to operate in those two regions.

The US State Department and Treasury Department will soon provide more details and will announce additional measures related to Russia's violation of international commitments, Psaki said. Psaki said in a statement that the additional measures to be announced are independent, and that in addition to preparing economic sanctions against Russia, the United States is in close consultation with allies and partners, including Ukraine. discuss Russia's "escalating" conflict along the Ukrainian border and the next steps to be taken.

White House: leaders of the United States, Germany and France call to discuss measures to respond to Russia

The White House says US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor John Schultz and French President Marco Macron spoke on the phone to discuss how to coordinate the next steps in response to Russia's recognition of the "Donetsk people's Republic" and the "Luhansk people's Republic."

Zelansky and Biden discuss Russia's recognition of the independence of Urumqi and eastern Ukraine.

On February 21, local time, Ukrainian President Zelansky and US President Joe Biden discussed Russia's recognition of the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, and planned to call British Prime Minister Johnson.

Zelansky posted on his official social media that Ukraine is holding a meeting of the National Security Council, and he has discussed the situation with Biden in recent hours. He also plans to have a phone call with British Prime Minister Johnson after the meeting of the National Security Council.

White House: Biden has informed Zelanski of plans to impose sanctions on Russia

The White House says US President Joe Biden has informed Ukrainian President Zelanski of his plans to impose sanctions on Russia and promised a quick and resolute response.

Reported that the White House also said that Biden in a conversation with Zelansky condemned Russia's decision to recognize the "Donetsk people's Republic" and the "Luhansk people's Republic."

Russia recognizes the "independence" of Donetsk and Luhansk, and the United States announces its first sanctions

Agence France-Presse has just reported that the United States announced sanctions for the first time after Russia recognized the "Donetsk people's Republic" and the "Luhansk people's Republic".

Reported that the United States 21 local time announced the implementation of financial sanctions against Russia, and warned that if necessary, ready to implement more sanctions.

EU: sanctions will be imposed on Russian personnel involved in recognizing the independence of the Donbass region

On the evening of the 21st local time, European Council President Michel and European Commission President von der Lane issued a statement saying that "condemn in the strongest terms the Russian president's decision to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent entities." At the same time, the EU said that the EU will impose sanctions on those involved in "this illegal act."

The UN Secretary-General issued another statement calling on all parties in Ukraine to cease hostilities

On February 21, local time, UN Secretary General Guterres issued a written statement on the current situation in eastern Ukraine through a spokesman. In the statement, Guterres expressed deep concern about Russia's decision on the identification of Donetsk and Luhansk, and called on all parties to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine peacefully in accordance with the New Minsk Agreement approved by the Security Council in Resolution 2202 of 2015.

Guterres believes that Russia's decision undermines Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty and is not in line with the principles of the UN Charter. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted relevant resolutions declaring that it will support Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution.

Guterres urged all parties concerned to work to ensure the immediate cessation of hostilities, to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, to prevent any actions and statements that could further escalate the dangerous situation in and around Ukraine, and to give priority to the peaceful settlement of all issues through diplomatic means.

On the same day, UN Secretary General Guterres decided to cancel his trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) after the Munich security conference and return directly to New York.

French President Macron condemns Russian President for recognizing the Independence of Donetsk and Luhansk

On the evening of February 21, local time, the Elysee Palace of the French presidential palace issued a press release saying that President Macron condemned the Russian president's decision to recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk.

The Elysee Palace said in a press release that this is clearly a unilateral violation of Russia's international commitments and an attack on Ukraine's sovereignty. Macron called on the United Nations Security Council to hold an emergency meeting and adopt EU sanctions against the act.

Johnson immediately denounced and threatened to impose sanctions

British Prime Minister Johnson denounced Russia's decision as a "flagrant violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and integrity." Johnson said that Putin's recognition of the independence of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine is "a negation of the Minsk process and the Minsk agreement." "Britain will continue to make every effort to support the Ukrainian people and implement a very strong package of sanctions," Johnson said in a speech in Downing Street. "

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss also said that Putin's move "marks the end of the Minsk process and violates the Charter of the United Nations." "We will not allow Russia to violate its international commitments with impunity," Truss wrote on Twitter. "


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