

Who is deciding on the Fed to raise interest rates? Read the picture to understand the position of the eagle pigeon of the FOMC voting committee.

富途資訊 ·  Feb 17, 2022 20:17

According to the minutes of the meeting released on Wednesday, EST, at the monetary policy meeting in January this year, Fed policy makers at the meeting believed that whether it was raising interest rates or reducing the size of its balance sheet (shrinking table), the Fed is likely to tighten money faster this time than when it raised interest rates and shrank its balance sheet last time. Like the resolution statement after the January meeting, the minutes signaled a possible rate hike in March, but did not hint at the possibility of a big rate hike in March and did not mention more details such as the timing of the contraction.

The following is the list of this year's FOMC voting committee for the integration of Fortune Information, as well as the Eagle / Pigeon position Analysis.

There will be a big wave of Fed officials to speak this week. Besides Brad, will there be any other committee members who support a 50-point increase in interest rates? The next step will be an important window for the Fed to take a stand.

Friday 00:00 St. Louis Fed Chairman Brad (2022 voting)

Friday 06:00 Cleveland Fed Chairman Mestre (2022 voting)

Friday 23:15 Chicago Fed President Evans

Friday 23:45 Federal Reserve Governor Waller (2022 has the right to vote)

00:00 on Saturday, New York Fed President Williams (2022 voting)

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