

Musk fights bears again: Tesla bears will burst out in about 3 weeks

腾讯证券 ·  Jun 18, 2018 21:10

Tencent Securities News according to the US financial website MarketWatch reportedBank of America Corporation(NYSE:BAC) called last week "the most important week for the global economy this year", but the performance of the stock market did not accurately reflect that. In fact, despite a series of news last week that could damage the global economy, the market barely scratched, and the S & P 500 was broadly flat in overall trading this week.

But for those who short Silicon Valley electric carmakers,TeslaFor NASDAQ:TSLA, any "probation" is likely to be short-lived-at least if a tweet by Elon Musk, the company's chief executive, on Sunday provides any sign of the future. "their short positions will burst in about three weeks," he wrote in the tweet. "

Despite reports that Musk was busy "almost 24 hours a week" in the factory, trying to help solve the production bottleneck of the Model 3, thereby reaching his target of 5000 vehicles a week, he refused to miss the opportunity to "complain" and made another bold forecast for Tesla, Inc. 's share price.

To be exact, Musk has done this many times before. In 2012, he warned investors shorting Tesla, Inc. that they were on the verge of "tsunami-like damage"; the company's share price did soar nearly 500 per cent the following year. Last month, he predicted that short sellers would encounter a "fire of the century" and bought a large sum of Tesla, Inc. shares out of his own pocket.

In any case, what makes Mr Musk's latest forecast unique is that he provides a specific timeline of when he thinks the stock will rise. In three weeks' time, Tesla, Inc. is expected to release car shipments and production data for the current quarter.

However, while Mr Musk may know more than the short sellers, that did not stop Tesla, Inc. from becoming one of the most shorted stocks in the world. Unfortunately for short sellers, the company's share price has risen nearly 30% over the past month and rose slightly again in pre-market trading on Monday.

Of course, that could change quickly, but for now, Musk is basically like Olivier Rioux, a 12-year-old Canadian basketball player who is 213cm tall, while the bears look as powerless as those who are trying to contain him. (nebula)

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