

WHAT HAPPENED? The US stock market dived 900 points at the end of the session, and Powell made another big statement

中國基金報 ·  Jan 27, 2022 08:27

Source: China Fund Daily

U. S. stocks "roller coaster" continues, but not a "V-shaped" trend, but a late dive!

The three major stock indexes opened high and went high, and blue-chip technology stocks rebounded across the board, but in the middle of the day, the Federal Reserve announced that the first interest rate discussion of the year would suddenly release eagles and hit US stocks, causing the three major stock indexes to fall in intraday trading and plunge collectively. The Dow finally closed down at nearly 1000 points during the day, and the S & P 500 did not reverse the decline.

Us bond prices fell, yields rose in intraday trading, and the dollar jumped during the day. Oil prices still rose strongly, with crude oil hitting a more than seven-year high.

Tesla, Inc. 's electric pickup truck which has jumped many times finally has news! The giant die-casting machine for producing Cybertruck will be put into operation next month, with an increase of nearly $20 billion (about 128 billion yuan). In addition, Tesla, Inc. reported better-than-expected earnings after the close, but predicted that supply chain problems continued throughout the year, and the share price fell nearly 10 per cent at one point in after-hours shock.

Leading technology stocks are mixed. Microsoft Corp's strong financial performance rose nearly 3%, the biggest one-day gain since October 27 last year, and the market capitalization rose nearly $70 billion (about 450 billion yuan).

Open high and walk high, but dive at the end of the day.The three major stock indexes fell and rose differently.

Hit by the Federal Reserve eagle, the three major stock indexes opened high and went high after diving in late trading to perform the "roller coaster", the Nasdaq concussion of nearly a thousand points, and finally only slightly higher.

The Dow and the S & P 500 fell for two days in a row. As of the close, the Dow closed down 129.64 points, or 0.38%, at 34168.09 points, a new two-month closing low. S & p closed down 0.15% at 4349.93, its lowest level since Oct. 5. The Nasdaq closed up 0.02 per cent at 13542.12, but was still close to yesterday's closing low of more than seven months.

In terms of Dow constituent stocks, Boeing Co reported poor financial results, with a net loss of US $4.1 billion in the fourth quarter, down nearly 5%; Walt Disney Company fell more than 2%, Sai FTSE fell more than 2%, and Cisco Systems fell 1.39%, leading the Dow down.

Finally, there is news about the electric pickup truck that has jumped many times.The giant die casting machine for producing Tesla, Inc. Cybertruck will be put into operation next month.

According to US media, as the official opening day of the Tesla super factory approaches, it is rumored that the new plant will not only produce Model Y, but also plan to produce an electric pickup truck Cybertruck at the plant, although according to other rumors, the car has been postponed until 2023.

Although it is too early to produce, there is new news that Tesla, Inc. will complete an important milestone in Cybertruck production and start operating the first batch of 8000-ton Giga Press giant die-casting machines next month. Recent drone shooting also shows that Tesla, Inc. has prepared the foundation for two additional giant die-casting machines. In addition, it is said that the first batch of Model Y deliveries from Texas superfactories may be at the end of March.

Comprehensive media have previously reported on Giga Press that the machine can produce large single castings for key components such as the rear and lower parts of electric vehicles. IDRA, the maker of the Giga Press machine, says the machine is specially designed to protect the environment as much as possible. After years of development, Giga Press can provide automakers with many key advantages, such as less investment, fewer parts, better quality, lower energy consumption and lower CO2 emissions. Therefore, for companies like Tesla, Inc., these things are crucial. Tesla, Inc. has established himself as a leader in the sustainable transportation movement.

In addition, Tesla, Inc. released his results for the fourth quarter of 2021 after the US stock market opened on Wednesday, January 26th. According to the financial report, Tesla, Inc. 's adjusted EPS in the fourth quarter was $2.54, higher than the market expectation of $2.36, but fell to 10% after rising nearly 2% in after-hours trading, and then rose again.

Three weeks ago, Tesla, Inc. released electric vehicle delivery figures, with deliveries of more than 308000 vehicles in the fourth quarter of last year and a record high of 936200 for the whole year, both significantly beating market expectations and promising "an average annual growth rate of 50 per cent in the next few years".

In addition, after missing the third-quarter earnings call, CEO Musk will attend the fourth-quarter call tomorrow to provide a "product roadmap update", which is expected to include an update on when the Cybertruck electric pickup truck and Semi heavy-duty semitrailer truck will be mass produced and put into use, the new 4680 battery in mass production, and the $25000 civilian electric car.

Tesla, Inc. closed up more than 2% at US $937.41, with a latest market capitalization of US $941.4 billion. At present, Tesla, Inc. is down nearly 25% from 52 weeks, falling into a technical bear market.

Leading technology stocks fell and rose variously.

Microsoft Corp was the best performer at more than 2.8 per cent, the biggest one-day gain since October 27 last year, with the market capitalization up nearly $70 billion; Alphabet, Alphabet Inc-CL C's parent company, rose 1.8 per cent; due to excessive regulatory resistance, Meta Platforms's stable currency project aborted and Meta fell more than 1.8 per cent; Amazon.Com Inc fell 0.8 per cent and Apple Inc fell less than 0.1 per cent. Ackerman, the boss of the after-hours hedge fund, said his company recently bought more than 3.1 million shares of Netflix Inc, which at one point rose more than 6 per cent after the Frisbee.

Most of the hot Chinese stocks fell.

Puxin Ltd is down 16.08%, iQIYI, Inc. is down 13.05%, Jinshan Cloud is down 11%, Boqi is down 9.7%, I-MAB is down 9.31%, Pinduoduo is down 9.11%, Bilibili Inc. is down 6.14% and BABA is down 4.76%. In terms of increases, Yibang Telecom rose 35.44%, Bright Scholar Education Holdings Ltd 10.25%, iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited 3.13%, JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd 2.53% and Canadian Solar Inc 2.45%. New energy vehicle stocks generally fell, NIO Inc. Automobile fell 4.71%, XPeng Inc. fell 1.92%, Li Auto Inc. fell 1.34%.

Oil prices continue to rise strongly

Brent crude oil futures broke the important $90 mark within days for the first time since October 2014. WTI crude oil futures also rose to close at $87.33 a barrel.

According to the news on Wall Street, the sharp rise in oil prices has put obvious upward pressure on inflation. In the face of inflation with a high fever, the Biden administration did everything it could. In terms of suppressing oil prices, the United States has responded by releasing strategic oil reserves.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a deal to exchange nearly 13.4 million barrels of strategic oil reserves (SPR) with seven companies, including Exxon Mobil Corp, Shell, BP and Phillips 66. This is the second largest short-term exchange of strategic oil reserves in US history. At the end of last year, the US Department of Energy also launched an auction of 32 million barrels of oil reserves. In other words, so far, Biden's 50 million barrels of strategic oil reserve release plan has completed the release of nearly 40 million barrels. Crude oil futures, however, remained unmoved, closing up more than 2% on Tuesday and continuing to rise on Wednesday.

OPEC+ will meet next week. But at present, the market is skeptical about whether OPEC+ can increase production as scheduled. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, other member states are facing the challenge of increasing production, and production capacity has reached the ceiling.

The recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine may add to the heat of the crude oil market. JPMorgan Chase & Co economists Joseph Lupton and Bruce Kasman pointed out in the latest research report that the escalation of geopolitical tensions in Russia and Ukraine could have another impact on crude oil supply, leading to a "substantial surge" in oil prices this quarter. They expect global crude oil supplies to shrink by 2.3 million barrels a day, rapidly pushing oil prices to $150 a barrel, double the average price in the fourth quarter of 2021.

The Federal Reserve shows its determination to curb inflationUs stocks have been hit hard

According to various media reports, the Federal Reserve has not wavered in its determination to tighten the currency because of the recent tragic fall in US stocks. After this week's Fed meeting, the Fed sent a clear signal that it could raise interest rates as soon as March, with Fed Chairman Powell hinting that the Fed has plenty of room to raise interest rates without harming economic growth, reinforcing its attitude of raising interest rates at a series of increases to curb high inflation.

After a two-day monetary policy meeting, the Fed announced on Wednesday that it would leave interest rates unchanged, would end its asset purchase program in early March, and hinted that interest rates could rise as early as March, according to Wande.

The Fed said it would keep its benchmark interest rate at 0 per cent, the interest rate on excess reserves (IOER) at 0.15 per cent and the overnight reverse repo rate at 0.05 per cent, in line with market expectations.

The Fed statement said that the federal funds rate would be raised appropriately soon; the committee members agreed that the interest rate decision was in line with previous meetings; that labor force growth had been strong in recent months and unemployment had fallen sharply; that the imbalance between supply and demand had led to high inflation, which was well above the 2 per cent target; that the pace of debt tightening would end in early March; and that interest rate increases would only begin to shrink the balance sheet and would be carried out through reinvestment.

Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said at a press conference: there is a lot of room for raising interest rates, and we intend to raise interest rates in March, but the extent of the rate increase is uncertain; we do not rule out raising interest rates at every FOMC meeting, and there is a wide range of support for raising interest rates; after raising interest rates, the contraction table has not yet made a decision on the timing and speed of the contraction table; inflation is much higher than our long-term target, and inflation is expected to fall this year; the improvement in the job market is significant, and wages are growing at the fastest rate in years. 2-10-year yield spreads are within the trend range and are monitored but not controlled; asset prices have risen and asset prices themselves are not considered to pose a major threat to financial stability.

The Nasdaq has been hit hard by concerns about Fed tightening, which is down 13 per cent this month. It fell into the correction zone last week, down more than 10% from its all-time high in November. The Nasdaq is dominated by interest rate-sensitive high-growth stocks, which are vulnerable to rising Treasury yields.

Michael Derby, an analyst, said that although the Fed hinted as strongly as possible about an imminent rate hike, its approach was different from what many economists expected at the meeting. It had been expected that the Fed would send a signal of full employment, which would be a verbal green light to raise interest rates in the face of high inflation. Instead, the Fed gave a direct policy hint and said of the employment sector, "Job growth has been strong in recent months and the unemployment rate has fallen sharply. "it is not clear where full employment is in the economy, at least for now.

Us bond yields rose in intraday tradingThe dollar jumped in intraday trading.

After the Federal Reserve announced the decision, the yield on 10-year US bonds rose above 1.8% for the first time in the last four days. The two-year yield recorded the biggest daily increase in nearly two years. The dollar index also jumped.

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