

It is said that the mainland has convened asset management companies to study and participate in the asset disposal of risky real estate enterprises.

即市頭條 ·  Jan 27, 2022 08:00

According to the China Securities News, the financial management department recently convened a meeting of several national asset management companies (AMC) to study their participation in asset disposal, project mergers and acquisitions and related financial intermediary services of risky real estate enterprises in accordance with the principles of marketization and the rule of law.

The report quoted a number of experts that if asset management companies are involved, it is expected to speed up the progress of asset disposal of out-of-danger real estate enterprises, and better maintain the healthy and steady development and virtuous circle of the real estate market. Asset management companies have rich experience in non-performing assets disposal, project mergers and acquisitions and other fields, and are expected to speed up the process of asset disposal of risky real estate enterprises and promote risk resolution and market clearance.

With the recent improvement in the financing of housing enterprises in the mainland, a series of policies and measures to resolve the risks of out-of-danger housing enterprises have been introduced one after another, and the risk resolution work has been promoted in an orderly and in-depth manner. The National working Conference on Housing and Urban and Rural Construction also clearly requires that individual head real estate enterprises deal with the risk of late delivery of real estate projects firmly and effectively.

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