
复星医药:获MPP新冠口服药生产许可 对收入等的影响尚无法预计

Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical: it is impossible to predict the impact of MPP COVID-19 oral drug production license on income, etc.

證券時報 ·  Jan 21, 2022 20:36

Securities Times e Company News, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (600196) announced on the evening of January 21 that MPP (that is, the "Drug Patent Pool Organization") granted the company's holding subsidiary Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Industry the license to use relevant patents and proprietary technology to carry out the production, commercialization and related rights of COVID-19 's treatment of oral drug Molnupiravir in the region. This license is a non-exclusive license; 105 low-and middle-income countries, including India, Pakistan and C ô te d'Ivoire, excluding China. Before the commercial production of the licensed cooperative drugs, the relevant technology transfer needs to be completed and the production facilities need to be approved by SRA or certified by WHOPQ. The impact of this license on the current and future revenue and profits of the Group cannot be predicted.

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