

Beishui concentrated on buying technology stocks and added Meituan to 14 consecutive days; Nanshui continued to increase its financial stocks, and CMB bought nearly 1.1 billion yuan

富途資訊 ·  Jan 21, 2022 17:53

Southbound Capital made net purchases of over HK$2 billion today. Meituan-W, Tencent Holdings, and Kuaishou-W received net purchases of HK$924 million, HK$629 million, and HK$349 million respectively. Pharmaceutical Ming Kangdejing had the highest sales volume, amounting to HK$288 million.

Northbound Capital once again made a net one-sided purchase of 8.758 billion yuan during the day and increased its A-share positions for 6 consecutive days. The cumulative net purchases this week were close to 30 billion yuan.

Despite the downsizing and adjustment of the financial sector today, the inflow of foreign capital did not change. China Merchants Bank received another net purchase of 1,092 million yuan, Ping An of China received a net purchase of 970 million yuan, and Ping An Bank and Oriental Wealth each received net purchases of 404 million yuan and 208 million yuan.

Liquor leaders also received additional foreign investment at the same time. Wuliangye received a large net purchase of 1,198 million yuan, and Kweichow Moutai received a net purchase of 573 million yuan.

Sany Heavy Industries topped the list with net sales of 500 million yuan during the day. Pharmaceutical Ming Kangde was sold off by foreign investors for 4 consecutive days, with net sales of 393 million yuan today. Mingyang Smart and Ningde Shidai both received net sales of over 100 million yuan.


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