

Wuxi Apptec (02359.HK) further awards under the H-share Award Trust Scheme

格隆滙 ·  Jan 21, 2022 17:06

Gelonghui January 21 ($Wuxi Apptec (02359.HK) $The board of directors announced that as of the date of the announcement, a total of HK $20.996 million had been awarded to 46 independently selected participants, and the number of award shares involved in the award was 160900 H shares, accounting for approximately 0.041% of the total H shares issued by the company as of the date of the announcement and approximately 0.0054% of the total issued share capital ("further award"). As the company will not issue new shares on the basis of further grants, it will not have any dilutive impact on the shares of existing shareholders.

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