
中國信息科技(08178.HK)附屬售4,052萬股萬隆股份 料收益40.5萬元

China Information Technology (08178.HK) is expected to gain 405000 yuan from the sale of 40.52 million Bandung shares.

即市頭條 ·  Jan 19, 2022 09:36

China Information Technology (08178.HK) announced that Global Jin Rui, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of China Information Technology (08178.HK), has instructed the securities firm on its behalf to accept the offeror's share offer for a total of 40.52 million Bandung shares (00030.HK) at an offer price of 0.285 yuan per share. The total price to be charged by Global Jin Rui is about 11.5482 million yuan. Immediately following the completion of the transfer of the target shares in accordance with the share offer, the company will no longer have any interest in Bandung. The group is expected to record a profit of about $405200 from the sale.

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