
中国能建2021年累计新签合同额8726.1亿元 同比增长51.0%

The total amount of newly signed contracts for China Energy Construction in 2021 was 872.61 billion yuan, an increase of 51.0% over the same period last year.

證券之星 ·  Jan 17, 2022 18:56

China Nengjian announced that the company's newly signed contracts totaled 872.61 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 51.0% over the same period last year.

The chairman of the company is Song Hailiang. Mr. Song Hailiang: born in July 1965, Chinese nationality, no right of abode abroad, doctor's degree, senior engineer, currently executive director and chairman of China Energy Construction, and chairman of China Energy Construction Group. Song Hailiang has successively served as Deputy Director and Director of the second Department of Design of the Waterway Planning and Design Institute of the Ministry of Communications, Assistant Dean, Vice Dean and Dean of Zhongjiao Waterway Planning and Design Institute, Chairman and General Manager of Zhongjiao Waterway Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chairman of Shanghai Zhenhua heavy Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (stock code: 600320.SH), China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. (stock code: 601800.SH) 1800.HK) Assistant to General Manager, General Manager of equipment Manufacturing Marine heavy Industry, Deputy General Manager, Executive Director and General Manager of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd., Director and General Manager of China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd.

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