
大酒店(00045.HK):獲嘉道理家族增持 持股量增至72.43%

The Grand Hotel (00045.HK): Kadoorie Family Increased Shareholding to 72.43%

即市頭條 ·  Jan 17, 2022 08:50

The Grand Hotel (00045.HK) announced that, as advised by Kadoorie & Sons Limited on behalf of Miko Kadoorie and Philip Kadoorie and certain major shareholders, certain trust frames/companies established for the interests of members of the Kadoorie Family have established conditional share sale and purchase agreements on 13 January (after trading hours), accordingly, Acquired about 185 million shares in the company from Solis Capital and an additional approximately 20.013.21 million shares held by undisclosed persons, priced at $12.8 per share.

Upon completion, the Kadoorie family's shareholding in the Company (including interests related to the family but excluding those held by the family's related charities) increased from 59.98% to 72.43%. The Vendor will cease to hold any shares after the completion of the Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement.

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