

Qingdao Port (06198): 3.522 billion restricted shares will be listed and circulated from January 21.

智通財經 ·  Jan 17, 2022 08:20

Zitong Financial App Newsletter$Qingdao Port (06198.HK) $According to the announcement, the restricted shares in circulation are the restricted shares of the company's initial public offering of RMB ordinary shares (A shares), involving one shareholder, Shandong Port Qingdao Port Group Co., Ltd. (Qingdao Port Group), the number of restricted shares is 3.522 billion shares, accounting for about 54.26% of the company's total share capital, the lock-up period is 36 months from the date of listing of the company's A shares, and the current lock-up period is about to expire. It will be put on the market from January 21, 2022.

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