
体育用品股偏弱势 特步国际(01368)跌4.48%

Sporting goods stocks weak Special step International (01368) fell 4.48%

鳳凰網港股 ·  Jan 14, 2022 15:16

Phoenix New Media Hong Kong stock | sporting goods stock is weak, Tabu International (01368) was happy in the afternoon, but the share price fell 4.48%. In addition, Li Ning Co. Ltd. (02331) fell 3.96%, ANTA Sports Products (02020) fell 3.71% (01361), Topsports International Holdings Limited (06110) fell nearly 1%.

Sales of sports shoes and clothing on BABA's platform fell 45 per cent and 30 per cent year-on-year in December 2021, according to the latest industry data.

According to Sino-Thai textile service team, Feigua data, December 2021, BABA platform online GMV of various categories a larger year-on-year decline. For sports shoes and clothing, sales were down 45% year-on-year, and sales were 30% lower than the same period last year. The average price of the top 500 was 21% lower than the same period last year. Among them, the sales of Li Ning Co. Ltd. and Nike Inc decreased by 12% and 33% respectively compared with the same period last year. The main reason may be that under the background of a high base in the same period last year and relatively weak consumer performance this year, this "double Twelve Promotion Festival" is more "insipid and desolate" than in previous years, as well as the decline in the delivery capacity of some leading anchors due to illegal suspension of broadcasting. In addition, the diversion under the rise of emerging e-commerce platforms throughout the year also has a certain impact.

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