
部分半导体股份走强 华虹半导体(01347)涨4.84%

Some semiconductor stocks strengthened, Huahong Semiconductor (01347) rose 4.84%

鳳凰網港股 ·  Jan 14, 2022 10:06

Phoenix News Hong Kong Stock | Some semiconductor sectors have strengthened,$Huahong Semiconductor (01347.HK) $An increase of 4.84%,$Jingmen Semiconductor (02878.HK) $Up 3.49%,$Shanghai Fudan (01385.HK) $An increase of 3.64%,$SMIC (00981.HK) $Up 0.54%.

According to the news, according to statistics, 16 of the 17 A-share semiconductor companies that recently released their 2021 performance forecasts have achieved performance growth.

Furthermore, Jingmen Semiconductor announced that the expected net profit attributable to the company's shareholders will increase by more than 100% from 11.7 million US dollars for the year ending December 31, 2020 to more than 23.4 million US dollars of net profit attributable to the company's shareholders for the year ended December 31, 2021.

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