
中國動向(03818.HK)向泉州平步鞋業授出KAPPA KIDS商標品牌許可

China trend (03818.HK) grants KAPPA KIDS trademark brand license to Quanzhou Pingbu shoes Industry.

阿斯達克 ·  Jan 6, 2022 16:46

China trend (03818.HK) announced that on January 6th, affiliated Shanghai Capa Power Children's products, as a licensee, entered into a brand license agreement with Quanzhou Pingbu shoes Industry and the related parties of a number of licensees, which granted exclusive rights to the licensees to use several "Kappa Kids" trademarks related to the design, manufacture, sales and marketing of certain products in China.

The agreement is valid for 10 years from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2032. The company stated that with the shift from direct production, distribution and sale of "Kappa Kids" branded products to licensing arrangements with manufacturers and wholesalers of well-known sportswear, footwear and sports equipment in China, the Board believes that this will help to devote all resources and marketing efforts to the development of core brands in the PRC market.

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