
【次新异动】腾盛博药-B(02137)再涨近7% 近期慢性乙肝2a/2b期临床试验完成首例患者给药

[new changes] Tengshengbo-B (02137) rose by nearly 7%. Recent phase 2a/2b clinical trial of chronic hepatitis B completes administration of the first patient.

鳳凰網港股 ·  Jan 6, 2022 10:40

Phoenix New Media Hong Kong stock | Tengsheng Boyao-B (02137) continued its rise yesterday, rising 6.98% to HK $33.70 with a turnover of HK $31.96 million as of press time.

On the news side, the company recently announced that the company has completed the first patient administration in the BRII-179 (VBI2601) 2a/2b phase clinical trial of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients. It is estimated that 290 million people worldwide suffer from chronic HBV infection, and nearly 800000 people die each year from complications such as HBV-related liver cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. BRII-179 (VBI-2601) is a new candidate drug for HBV immunotherapy based on recombinant protein, which can express Pre-S1, Pre-S2 and S hepatitis B surface antigen and aims to enhance B cell and T cell immunity.

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