
「美聯樓價指數」本年累升5.46% 代理料明年樓價最多升一成

The Wachovia property Price Index has risen by 5.46% this year. Agents expect property prices to rise by up to 10% next year.

即市頭條 ·  Dec 29, 2021 14:42

Bu Shaoming, chief executive of Wachovia's property and housing department, said today (29) that the private housing price index for November fell by 1.2% on a monthly basis, while property prices rose by about 3.1% in the first 11 months. looking back at 2021, the epidemic in Hong Kong eased and the economy gradually recovered from the epidemic. The Wachovia property price index repeatedly rose from the low at the end of January this year to an all-time high in August. However, the dispute over the high position has fallen from the high position to the present. Property prices have risen first and then depressed this year, rising by about 5.46% so far this year.

The property market in Hong Kong has a strong resilience. In the past few years, even under the influence of the Sino-US trade war, social events and epidemic situation, the volatility of property prices has remained within a "range" of about 10%.

Bu Shaoming believes that the current global epidemic is repeated, and if Hong Kong breaks out and the situation is very serious, it is believed that it will be difficult for the property market to be left alone, and trading transactions will be affected, but the influence will depend on the extent and timing of the outbreak. Looking forward to next year, there are still many positive factors in the property market, such as the full resumption of customs clearance between China and Hong Kong, the low supply of private property, the falling unemployment rate, abundant funds, and so on, which will help drive the property market. In recent years, there is an obvious difference between the housing policy of the mainland and Hong Kong. I believe it will help attract capital to the south and be good for the performance of Hong Kong property buildings. at this stage, property prices will rise by about 5% to 10% next year.

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