
港股扫描 | 大唐新能源涨超25%;新东方在线涨超10%将探索职教领域

Scanning of Hong Kong stocks | Datang New Energy rose by more than 25%; New Oriental Education & Technology Group will explore the field of vocational education by more than 10% online.

富途資訊 ·  Dec 23, 2021 15:32  · Movers

Futu News on December 23, the main index of Hong Kong stocks rose and fell after maintaining horizontal volatility, as of press time.Hang Seng Index (800000.HK) $涨0.4%,Hang Seng Technology Index (800700.HK) $跌0.83%。


Carbon neutralization concept stocks perform strongly$Datang New Energy (01798.HK) $Increase by more than 25%$Xintian Green Energy (00956.HK) $$China Longyuan Power Group Corporation (00916.HK) $Up nearly 10%$China Resources Power Holdings (00836.HK) $, Xiehe New Energy, China Hongqiao and Minmetals rose more than 7%, while Fuyao Glass Industry Group, Yanzhou Coal and Flat Glass Group rose more than 4%.

China International Capital Corporation research newspaper believes that the wind power industry is experiencing land-sea resonance, and the upstream cycle of the industry is more established. It is recommended to focus on 1) towers, submarine cables and complete machine links with better business models and larger business space; 2) continue to benefit from large global wind turbines.


$New Oriental Education & Technology Group online (01797.HK) $With an increase of more than 10%, the company will continue to explore and invest in the field of on-the-job education, jointly with government agencies and industry leading enterprises to research and build the service model of high-tech industrial colleges and research institutes, and support China's vocational colleges to improve their teaching capabilities.


Shipping stocks rose generally$COSCO Shipping Holdings (01919.HK) $It will rise by more than 5%, Cosco will rise by more than 2%, and China Merchants Port, Cosco seaport and Pacific Shipping will rise by nearly 1%. COSCO Shipping Holdings announced that as of December 21, 2021, Cosco Shipping Group Co., Ltd. through wholly-owned subsidiaries in the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited through floor trading accumulated 62.487 million shares of the company H shares.


According to the Futuo Niuniu Hong Kong stock trading hot list today, the top stocks include BABA, Tencent, XIAOMI, Kuaishou Technology, Meituan, Poly Xiexin Energy and so on.


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