
港股异动 | 东方电气(01072)涨超7%领涨电力设备股 逆周期调节和用电量增长将推动电网电源投资

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Dongfang Electric (01072) rose more than 7%, leading the countercyclical adjustment of power equipment stocks and electricity consumption growth will drive power grid power investment

智通財經 ·  Dec 23, 2021 14:42

The Zhitong Finance App learned that power equipment stocks rose collectively today. As of press release, Dongfang Electric (01072) rose 8.25% to HK$13.38; Harbin Electric (01133) rose 6.67% to HK$3.68; Goldwind Technology (02208) rose 2.91% to HK$15.54; and Shanghai Electric (02727) rose 2.53% to HK$2.43.

According to the news, the Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that it is necessary to promote advanced infrastructure investment and construction and carry out countercyclical macro-adjustments; while continued electricity consumption growth and structural power shortages also place higher demands on power supply and power grid construction.

CITIC Securities said that power supply investments include renewable energy, base-charge power, and peak-regulated power sources; power grid investments include cross-regional transmission lines, intelligent and informatization of distribution networks, and supporting energy storage facilities. Driven by a clear policy direction, in the face of increased electricity consumption and structural power shortages, the overall scale of power grid and power supply construction is expected to increase, and the speed of construction is expected to increase.

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