

An upward signal? The sharp buyback of the Hong Kong stock market reached a record high of 33.5 billion dollars! Which companies have bought back the most?

富途資訊 ·  Dec 22, 2021 17:05

According to the latest report of Societe Generale Securities

As of December 15, 185 Hong Kong stocks were repurchased by Hong Kong companies in 2021, with a cumulative repurchase amount of HK $33.51 billion, the highest level since data records began in 2002.Among them, 142 companies repurchased in the second half of the year, with a repurchase amount of HK $20.43 billion.56% higher than in the first half of the year.Set a semi-annual high.

Since 2008, Hong Kong stocks have experienced five rounds of corporate buybacks, all of which occurred in a bear market.

This wave of buybacks began in the second quarter of 2021.The second half of the yearAs Hong Kong stocks fell sharply, they entered the best part.In less than half a year, the repurchase effort has exceeded HK $20 billion, more than any other half-year data in previous history.

Taking history as a mirror, the buyback wave may be an early sign of future share price rises.

So, which companies are carrying out large-scale buybacks during the period? This paper makes statistics on the Hong Kong stock companies whose repurchase amount is higher than 10 million from 2021.7.1 to 12.22, which can be used as a reference for Niu you.

1. Buyback amount > HK $1 billion: XIAOMI and Tencent are in the top two places.


2. 100 million < buyback amount < 1 billion: the obviously adjusted real estate construction industry and health care industry are the main industries of buyback.


3. 50 million < buyback amount < 100 million: consumer stocks such as Riqing Food and Yongda Automobile have been repurchased many times, so the repurchase amount of the consumer industry is also in the forefront.


4. 10 million < Repurchase amount < 50 million: there are 45 stocks in this range, of which Century City International buybacks are as high as 110 million shares.


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