
收评:指数全天走势分化创指涨0.5% 元宇宙概念持续强势

Comments: the whole-day trend of the index differentiates and the creation index is up 0.5 yuan. The concept of the universe continues to be strong.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 22, 2021 15:03

December 22 news, the three major indices opened high, and then the trend differentiation, Prev continued weak consolidation, Shenzhen Composite Index and gem index red disk consolidation. In terms of plates, meta-universe concept stocks continued to be strong, and led to NTF concept, virtual digital human, cloud games and other plates rose, traditional Chinese medicine, gas plate continued to rise, tobacco, EDR concept, consumer electronics and other sectors strengthened; recently, the hot real estate stocks sharply callback, green power, shipping, BeiSE concept, steel, securities and other plates weakened. Overall, the weak pattern of Shenzhen, strong and Shanghai is relatively obvious, individual stocks rise and fall each other, and the money-making effect is general, and the trading between the two markets has exceeded trillion yuan for the 44th trading day in a row.

From the disk point of view, traditional Chinese medicine, meta-universe, gas plate led the increase, real estate development, green power, UHV plate led the decline.

  Hot spots:

  1. Meta-universe

Roman shares, Baoying shares, China outfit Construction, Xuanya International, Capital online and other shares rose sharply.

On the news side, Shanghai guides enterprises to step up their research on the important platform for the interaction between the future virtual world and the real society, and cut in at the right time; Baidu, Inc. released the first domestic meta-universe product "Xiyang" officially opened for targeted internal testing.

  2. Traditional Chinese medicine

Wan Bond, Guizhou lark, Longshen Rongfa, Taiji Group and other stocks are strong.

On the news side, since the beginning of this month, Tongrentang and China Resources 39 have raised the ex-factory price of Angong Niuhuang pills one after another. Industry insiders said that behind the price increase of traditional Chinese medicine products is the result of the joint action of policy, market and epidemic factors.

  Message side:

1. Lixun Precision will speed up the construction of the new manufacturing park and begin to assemble millions of iPhone units as soon as next year.

2. Silicon Branch of China Nonferrous Association: the price of silicon fell by about 5% month-on-month this week.

3. The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the Plan for the Construction of Major projects of the Ecological Protection and Restoration support system (2021-2035).

  The prospect of the future market

Guosheng Securities believes that the index of the two cities ushered in Zhongyang rebound after two consecutive days of wide adjustment, which has a greater impact on the index structure, and the index is expected to stabilize and rebound. Operationally, the current index structure of the two cities is different, especially the gem is in a broken state, and the rebound on Tuesday is weak, and the center of gravity may continue to move down, which will have a certain impact on the confidence of the market to do more. At the same time, the rising plate is also dominated by oversold and low prices such as real estate and furniture, while the heat of the high-valued and high-growth plate continues to decrease, the market style is obviously switched, and it is difficult to participate, so we need to be cautious. Can focus on securities, real estate, household goods and other sectors that benefit from loose capital.

Zhongyuan Securities pointed out that the A-share market opened flat and rebounded significantly on Tuesday, and the real estate chain rose across the board in early trading, leading to a sharp rebound in Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index, boosting the stabilization and recovery of stock indexes in the two markets, and more industries joined the rebound in the afternoon. Prev regained the 3600-point integer stock mark in one fell swoop, a sign that the short-term adjustment is beginning to stabilize. It is expected that the Prev short-term small shock is more likely, the gem short-term small consolidation may be greater. Investors are advised to pay close attention to the investment opportunities in real estate, building materials and automotive industries in the short term, and continue to pay attention to the investment opportunities of undervalued blue chips in the middle line.

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