
快讯:元宇宙概念午后持续走强 宝鹰股份、川大智胜等多股涨停

News flash: meta-universe concept continues to strengthen in the afternoon, Baoying shares, Sichuan Zhisheng and other stocks rose by the daily limit.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 21, 2021 13:38

December 21 news, the concept of meta-universe continued to strengthen in the afternoon. As of press time, Baoying shares, Sichuan University Zhisheng and other stocks rose by the daily limit, while Hengxin Oriental and Jiachuang Video followed.

In terms of news, recently, NetEase, Inc (Hangzhou) Network Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of 26 trademarks related to meta-universe, including "Star meta-universe", "meta-universe exhibition", "Lei Huo Yuan Universe" and other trademarks. At present, the status of relevant trademarks are "waiting for substantive examination".

CITIC believes that meta-universe, as the development form of the next generation Internet, will reshape the digital economic system. As the world's largest social and meta-cosmic company, Meta will accelerate the iteration of VR/AR, native digital assets, new social models, and so on. From a medium-to long-term perspective, meta-universe connects the real world and the virtual world, enhances experience and efficiency, extends human creativity and more possibilities, brings investment opportunities in a decade, and the company will continue to benefit.

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