
創聯教育金融(02371.HK)簡稱改「創聯控股」 周四起生效

The abbreviation of Chuanglian Education Finance (02371.HK) has been changed to "Chuanglian Holdings" with effect from Thursday.

即市頭條 ·  Dec 20, 2021 17:26

02371.HK announced that the English name of the company has been changed to "Chuanglian Holdings Limited" and has adopted "Chuanglian Holdings Limited" as the new dual foreign language name.

The abbreviation of the English shares traded on the Stock Exchange will be changed from "CL EDU FIN" to "CHUANGLIAN HOLD" and the abbreviation of the Chinese shares will be changed from "Chuanglian Education Finance" to "Chuanglian Holdings" with effect from 09:00 on 23 December this year. The stock code of the company remains unchanged.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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