
美联工商铺预计年度业绩转亏为盈 1-11月归母净利润4500万港元

Wachovia Industrial and Commercial Store is expected to turn its annual performance into a profit from January to November with a net profit of HK $45 million.

觀點地產網 ·  Dec 20, 2021 09:00

Opinion Real Estate Network News:On December 17, Wachovia issued a positive profit forecast that the Group is expected to record a consolidated net profit attributable to equity holders for the year ended December 31, 2011. the consolidated net profit attributable to unaudited equity holders for the 11 months ended November 30, 2021 is approximately HK $45 million.

For comparison, the equity holders of the Wachovia Industrial and Commercial Store for the year ended December 31, 2020 should account for a consolidated net loss of about HK $7 million.

According to the announcement, the Group's performance is expected to turn from loss to profit, and among other factors, the operating profit based on the Group's agency business for the eleven months ended November 30, 2021 increased significantly compared with the same period last year. Through the implementation of a series of strategic measures, including the restructuring of the management team, the Group was able to increase its market share and seize the rebound in the non-residential property market in Hong Kong; and the operating profit of the Group's lending business for the 11 months ended 30 November 2021 increased compared with the same period last year.

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