

China Tobacco Hong Kong (06055.HK) expects its annual adjusted net profit to grow by no less than 190% compared with the same period last year.

格隆滙 ·  Dec 17, 2021 17:37

China Tobacco Hong Kong (06055.HK) announced that based on a preliminary assessment of the latest unaudited management accounts of the Group and the information currently available, in addition to the impact of the proceeds of sale, compared with the group income and profits attributable to the company owners for the year ended December 31, 2020 (after re-listing), the Group is expected toYear ended December 31, 2021The increase in revenue is not less than 120%, and the increase in profits attributable to the company's owners is not less than 190%.

The annual group income and the profit attributable to the company owners (except for the impact of the sale proceeds) are higher than those expected in 2020 (after re-listing), mainly due to the following reasons: the group communicates closely with the upper and lower reaches of the industrial chain. do our best to reduce the impact of COVID-19 's epidemic on supply chain logistics, so that the delayed shipment of tobacco imports will arrive in Hong Kong in that year. As a result, the income and operating results of the Group's tobacco import business in that year were significantly higher than those in 2020 (after re-listing).

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