
快讯:煤炭概念开盘走强 靖远煤电两连板

News flash: the concept of coal opens and strengthens Jingyuan Coal and Power Co., Ltd.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 17, 2021 09:33

December 17 news, the coal concept opened strong, as of press release, Jingyuan coal power limit, Yanzhou Mining Energy, China Coal Energy, Mountain Coal International followed up.

In the news, on the morning of December 16, the National Development and Reform Commission held a regular press conference in December. Meng Wei, a spokesman for the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society. further in-depth study and demonstration, timely introduction of targeted policies and measures to guide the coal market price to operate in a reasonable range Promote the effective linkage of coal and electricity prices through market-oriented means, and promote the coordinated and high-quality development of upstream and downstream.

Ruida Futures said that the transfer of Shaanxi mining area is normal, some of the demand is higher than the previous demand; the pulling and transportation of Inner Mongolia mining area has improved, and the demand-side procurement rhythm has increased. After a period of smooth operation, the mainstream port coal price weakens again, the port market sentiment weakens again, the terminal procurement demand is not strong, the market transaction is less, the superimposed producing area price continues to fall, and the supporting force is insufficient. At present, the power plant is mainly based on the guarantee of coal supply in the fourth quarter of Changxie, and the short-term power coal price is in shock operation.

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