
快讯:煤炭概念午后持续走高 中煤能源等多股涨停

News flash: the concept of coal continued to rise in the afternoon, China Coal Energy and other stocks rose by the daily limit.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 16, 2021 13:12

December 16 news, the concept of coal continued to rise in the afternoon, as of press release, China Coal Energy, Yanzhou Mining Energy and other stocks rose, Ping Coal shares, China Shenhua Energy rose.

For the coal sector, Huajin Securities pointed out that thermal coal prices have stabilized in recent months, thermal coal prices have increased by 31%, covering a wider range, and coking coal has also stabilized from the decline. The supply side continues to release, inventory has exceeded the normal level. With the liberalization of Australian coal imports, imports have also increased greatly. Taking into account factors such as the heating season and the Winter Olympic Games, demand for thermal coal may hold up until the end of the first quarter of next year. The decline of the real estate industry led to the weak demand of coking steel chain, and the weak pattern of supply and demand of coking coal continued. The economic work conference in December emphasized six stability, referring to counter-cyclical adjustment policies, sending out positive signals from real estate and not bringing coal into energy consumption control, which will help to improve the pessimistic expectations of the market on the demand side in the future. Plate valuations continue to repair, individual stock opportunities are also worth looking forward to. At present, the fundamentals of the industry are consolidated, and the performance of coal enterprises is guaranteed. The current price stabilizes, the price of the new long-term association rises, and the plate valuation continues to repair. Optimistic about Yanzhou Mining Energy, Shaanxi Coal Industry, China Shenhua Energy. In addition, in the context of energy transformation, individual stock opportunities are also worth looking forward to, it is recommended to pay attention to power investment energy (layout photovoltaic), Meijin energy (hydrogen energy), Blue Flame Holdings (coalbed methane).

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