
快讯:物流板块午后持续走强 福然德等多股涨停

News flash: the logistics sector continued to strengthen in the afternoon and other stocks rose by the daily limit.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 16, 2021 13:09

December 16 news, the logistics sector continued to strengthen in the afternoon, as of press release, Fu ran de, Sanyang horse before the limit, long-term logistics, Ruimotong, Tianshun shares rose.

On the face of the news, the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference in December today. A spokesman for the NDRC said that in the next step, the NDRC will provide appropriate support to construction projects within the scope of the national logistics hub through policy channels such as investment in the central budget and special bonds of local governments, or by recommending to relevant financial institutions. We will speed up to make up for the shortcomings of relevant hub facilities and promote the interconnection of hubs into a network.

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