
快讯:煤炭概念持续走强 兖矿能源涨停

News flash: coal concept continues to strengthen Yanzhou Mining Energy limit

新浪財經 ·  Dec 15, 2021 13:43

December 15 news, the concept of coal continues to strengthen, as of press release, Ruimotong, Yanzhou Mining Energy limit, special electrician, Inner Mongolia Huadian, Shanxi Coking and rising.

On the news, industry insiders said that with the gradual cold weather, the resumption of production in the manufacturing industry in the south, the seasonal loading and unloading difficulties in coal circulation, and the decline in the quantity of "power transmission from west to east", the pressure on thermal power increased and the market demand recovered. In order to prevent the sudden drop in temperature in the later stage leading to an increase in coal consumption, and the occurrence of insufficient inventory before the Spring Festival, as well as the impact of possible snowfall or extreme weather on domestic coal transportation, the replenishment of the power plant will not be lazy, providing strong support to the market.

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