
快讯:军工股开盘继续拉升 西仪股份8连板

News flash: military stocks continue to pull up Xiyi shares 8 even board at the opening of trading.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 15, 2021 09:40

December 15 news, the opening of military stocks continued to rise, as of press time, Xiyi shares 8 even board, Yaxing anchor chain hit the limit, aerospace Changfeng, China ship defense, Chinese ships and so on rose.

On the news side, Xiyi shares disclosed on November 22 the planning of major asset restructuring and related party transactions, and planned to purchase 100% stake in Chongqing Construction Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., held by controlling shareholder China Arms and equipment Group Co., Ltd., by issuing shares and paying cash. On December 3, the company issued a resumption notice saying that the restructuring plan was examined and approved.

The reporter noted that this restructuring is essentially an integration of resources within the weapons and equipment Group, and the construction industry of a large-scale military-civilian combination of high-tech enterprises formerly known as the "Hanyang Arsenal" will be listed through Xiyi shares.

Data show that the Ordnance and equipment Group is an important state-owned backbone enterprise directly managed by the central government, the core force of the national defense science and technology industry, and also a strategic enterprise in national defense construction and national economic construction. The company has been one of the top 500 companies in the world for many years, ranking 101 at the top, and has a number of well-known brands with extensive social influence, such as "Changan", "Construction", "Baofeng Electric" and so on.

Xiyi shares is a listed company controlled by Arms equipment Group. According to the company announcement, Xiyi's largest shareholder is Nanfang Industrial Asset Management Co., Ltd., which holds 39.43% of the shares, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Arms equipment Group. Weapons and equipment Group holds a total of 55.36% of Xiyi shares, which is the actual controller of the company.

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