
快讯:钢铁板块持续走强 金洲管道涨停

News flash: steel plate continues to strengthen Jinzhou pipeline trading limit

新浪財經 ·  Dec 15, 2021 09:38

December 15 news, the iron and steel plate continued to strengthen, as of press time, Jinzhou pipeline rose, Anyang Iron and Steel, Panzhihua Vanadium and Titanium, Fushun Special Steel rose.

On the face of the news, Soochow Securities reported that it continued to be bullish on steel stocks in the medium term. In the context of high earnings history and low valuation history, carbon neutralization is likely to bring the industry supply ceiling, coupled with the raw material side once again contributing cost dividends, iron and steel stocks will usher in a wave of performance and valuation of double-rise plate opportunities. Be optimistic about low valuation plate, some high quality long wood and special steel. In the short term, it is recommended to pay attention to Angang shares, Shougang shares, Nanjing Iron and Steel shares, etc., the first in the short term are rare earth iron and steel double leading Baosteel shares, pure steel shares Valin Iron and Steel, New Steel shares, Baosteel shares, Jiuli Special Materials, CITIC Special Steel, etc.

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