
快讯:家电板块开盘拉升 四川长虹涨停

News flash: The opening of the home appliance sector pulls up, and the rise of Changhong in Sichuan comes to a standstill

新浪財經 ·  Dec 9, 2021 09:41

  On December 9, it was reported that the home appliance sector opened and picked up. As of press release, Sichuan Changhong had stopped rising; Yitian Intelligence and Hongchang Technology had risen by more than 12%; Martian, Hisense Home Appliances, and Shuaifeng Electric had followed suit.

  China Galaxy Securities released a research report saying that the pressure on raw material prices is expected to weaken marginally in December, and the profitability of the industry will improve marginally. The valuation of the superimposed home appliance sector has pulled back a lot this year. It is already below the historical average, and the allocation value is high. It is recommended to focus on two main lines. First, traditional home appliance leaders that have benefited from improved fundamentals. 2. Focus on industry segment leaders with a high level of prosperity.

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