
博駿教育(01758.HK)購四川兩間民辦職業教育機構股權 涉逾3億人幣

Bojun Education (01758.HK) buys shares in two private vocational education institutions in Sichuan involving more than 300 million yuan

即市頭條 ·  Dec 8, 2021 14:20

Bojun Education (01758.HK) announced the acquisition of 51 per cent shares in Sichuan Zhengzhuo Education Investment and Sichuan higher Education Investment at a total cost of 309 million yuan (the same below), of which 160 million yuan will be paid in cash, and the balance of about 149 million yuan will be paid through the issue of 214 million shares, accounting for 20.66% of the company's enlarged share capital, with an offering price of 0.85 yuan per share, a premium of 82.8 per cent over the closing price before the shares were suspended.

The stock continues to be suspended.

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