

Morgan Stanley's Investment rating and Target Price of Chinese Education stocks in the "Big Bank report" (Table)

即市頭條 ·  Dec 7, 2021 11:46

Morgan Stanley published a research report. The investment ratings and target prices of Chinese-funded education stocks are as follows:

Shares | Investment rating | Target price (HK $)

China Science training (01890.HK) | increase holdings | CNY 6-> CNY 4.90

New higher Education Group (02001.HK) | increase holdings-> synchronize with the market | 6 yuan-> 4 yuan

Yuhua Education (06169.HK) | increase holdings | CNY 6.8-> CNY 4.6

Hope Education (01765.HK) | synchronize with the big city | CNY 1.40-> CNY 1.60

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