

December 5 Listed Company Evening Announcement Express

新浪財經 ·  Dec 5, 2021 18:16

Caesar Travel Industry: ending the Stock Exchange, absorbing and merging Zhongxin Tourism

Caesar Travel announced that the company and Zhongxin Travel signed the termination Agreement on the merger of Caesar Tongsheng Development Co., Ltd. and Zhongxin Travel Group Co., Ltd., and both parties agreed that the merger was terminated. The parties to the transaction will no longer continue to promote the merger.

New Mei Xing: the controlling shareholder receives the advance notice of administrative penalty and market ban.

New Meixing announcement, the company's controlling shareholder, one of the actual controllers he Deping received the Securities Regulatory Commission issued on November 15, "Administrative punishment and market ban notice in advance." The CSRC intends to decide to confiscate 47.836 million yuan of illegal income and impose a fine of 144 million yuan on he Deping and four other parties for manipulating the securities market, of which he Deping and one of the parties bear 71.753 million. He Deping was warned and fined 400000 yuan for the illegal act of information disclosure. The CSRC intends to decide to ban he Deping from the market for 10 years.

Zhongxin Travel: ending the merger of Caesar Travel Company

Zhongxin Travel announcement, the company examined and passed the "motion on terminating Caesar Tongsheng Development Co., Ltd., absorbing and merging Zhongxin Tourism Group Co., Ltd., and raising supporting funds and related transactions." it was decided to stop Caesar Travel to absorb and merge Zhongxin Tourism by issuing A-shares to all shareholders of Zhongxin Tourism and raise supporting funds.

Top Group: the products recalled by the company are only equipped with Model Y models.

Top Group announced that the products recalled by the company are only equipped with Model Y models, which do not involve other models of Tesla, Inc. or other customers; according to the number of recalls and the defect ratio, the company believes that the recall is a non-major event and will not affect the annual operating results, nor will this incident affect the company's business.

Fukuda Motor: car sales in November were 34400, down 44.63% from the same period last year.

Futian Motor released production and sales data of various products in November 2021, KuaiBao, of which automobile product sales were 34435, down 44.63% from the same period last year; production was 36164, down 46.43% from January to November, with cumulative sales of 612650 vehicles, down 2.04% from the same period last year; cumulative production was 588169, down 6.93% from the same period last year.

Yutong bus: November production of 3577 vehicles down 25.01% from the same period last year

Yutong bus announced that production in November was 3577, down 25.01% from the same period last year, while this year's cumulative production was 36509, up 2.65% from the same period last year.

Dayu Water Saving: received 140 million yuan notice of winning bid for the pilot project of water system connectivity and Shuimei rural construction in Yongshun County, Hunan Province.

Dayu Water Saving announcement received a bid winning notice of 140 million yuan for the pilot county project of water system connectivity and Shuimei rural construction in Yongshun County, Hunan Province, and 60 million yuan for the 2021 High Standard Maize seed production Base Construction Project (EPC+O) in Linze County, Gansu Province.

Chenguang Stationery: the controlling shareholder in unison intends to increase the shareholding of the company by 100 million yuan to 500 million yuan.

Chenguang stationery announcement, the controlling shareholder consistent with Keying Investment, Jiekui Investment on December 3, a total of 230000 shares, plans to increase their holdings within 3 months 100 million-500 million yuan.

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