
快讯:烟草板块持续拉升 陕西金叶涨超8%

News flash: tobacco sector continues to pull up Shaanxi Jinye up more than 8%

新浪財經 ·  Dec 3, 2021 09:38

December 3 news, the tobacco sector continued to rise, as of press time, Shaanxi Jinye rose more than 8%, Xin Hongze, Minfeng Special Paper, Jinjia shares rose.

On the face of the news, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau studied and drafted the measures for the Administration of Electronic cigarettes (draft for soliciting opinions), which was openly solicited from the public yesterday. With regard to this method, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau said that it is to do a good job in e-cigarette supervision, perform regulatory duties in accordance with the law, standardize e-cigarette market order, ensure people's health and safety, and promote industrial governance to be legalized and standardized.

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