
雄岸科技(01647.HK)中期收益增4.72%至1814.67万坡元 不断拓展区块链技术应用

Medium-term income of Xiongan Technology (01647.HK) increased by 4.72% to 18.1467 million slope yuan, continuously expanding the application of block chain technology.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 30, 2021 18:16

On November 30, 01647.HK announced that for the six months ended September 30, 2021, the company's income was 18.1467 million S $, an increase of 4.72% over the same period last year; the profit attributable to the company's owners was 394400 S $, or 0.04 Singapore cents per share.

According to the notice, it was mainly due to the increase in business receipts from integrated building services business and building construction business.

The Group intends to continue its existing major business, providing integrated building services and undertaking building construction projects in Singapore. At the same time, the Group intends to invest in new business opportunities to expand and diversify its business so as to enhance shareholder value and complement its existing business.

Although the revenue and gross profit of blockchain technology development decreased during the review period, the directors are optimistic about blockchain technology development and application business in view of the continuous expansion of blockchain technology applications to different fields and industries.

With regard to the industrial hemp business, the Group will regularly review the market situation and explore opportunities for development and expansion in the industry.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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