
港股异动 | 恒指跌超300点刷新年内新低 网络科技股拖累大市 华润置地(01109)领跌蓝筹

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | the Hang Seng Index fell more than 300 points to refresh the year's new low Internet technology stocks dragged down the market China Resources Land (01109) led the decline in blue chips

智通財經 ·  Nov 30, 2021 10:40

Zhitong Financial APP learned that the Hang Seng Index accelerated its decline in early trading, falling more than 300 points in intraday trading to a low of 23,550.58 points, refreshing a new low for the year. As of press time, the Hang Seng Index fell 299.83 points, or 1.26%, to 23552.41 points, with a market turnover of HK $46.624 billion.

In terms of blue chips, Internet technology stocks dragged down the market, with China Resources Land (01109) leading the decline. As of press time, China Resources Land fell 3.79% to HK $33, HKEx (00388) fell 3.19% to HK $430.8, BABA-SW (09988) fell 2.31% to HK $127,Tencent (00700) fell 2.25% to HK $430.8.

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