
快讯:造纸板块持续拉升 青山纸业涨超4%

News flash: The papermaking sector continues to rise, Aoyama Paper climbs more than 4%

新浪財經 ·  Nov 30, 2021 09:44

  On November 30, the papermaking sector continued to rise. As of press release, Aoyama Paper had risen more than 4%, while Jingxing Paper, Chenming Paper, and Annie Co., Ltd. followed suit.

  According to the news, recently, there has been a general rise in cultural paper. A number of leading companies have issued price increase letters one after another. The price increases ranged from 200 yuan/ton to 300 yuan/ton. Most of the implementation period began on December 1.

  Some reporters learned that the reason for the price increase was that downstream textbook printing ushered in a peak season cycle. Previously, under the double pressure of costs and sales, cultural paper companies cut prices one after another in the third quarter, and the industry lost a lot.

  According to Baichuan Yingfu's monitoring data, the current price of cultural paper is around 5,800 yuan/ton, and is expected to reach 6,000 yuan/ton early next month. Given that its cost price is also between 5,500 yuan/ton and 5,800 yuan/ton, as price increases are implemented, the industry may make a marginal profit.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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