
开源控股(01215.HK):Paris Marriott Hotel已重开

Open Source Holdings (01215.HK): Paris Marriott Hotel has reopened

格隆滙 ·  Nov 29, 2021 18:06

Gelonghui November 29th 丨Open Source Holdings (01215.HK) announced that the Paris Marriott Hotel (“Hotel”), a subsidiary of the relevant group, was temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but has now reopened. To prepare for the 2024 Paris Olympics and anticipate that the French tourism industry will be fully opened after the pandemic, the group is considering renovating the hotel and plans to carry out the first phase of the renovation project at the beginning of next year, including the interior decoration of hotel rooms, air conditioning systems, kitchens and hotel facades. During the renovation period, the Group intends to open the hotel as usual and continue to operate within the hotel area not affected by the renovation. The Group is currently negotiating a refurbishment contract with the general contractor.

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