
港股异动 | 阜丰集团(0546.HK)涨超4% 味精价格大涨

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Fufeng Group (0546.HK) rose more than 4%, the price of MSG soared

格隆滙 ·  Nov 29, 2021 14:06
Gelonghui, November 29, 丨 Fufeng Group (0546.HK) expanded its gains in the afternoon. It is now reported at HK$2.91, an increase of 4.3%, with a total market value of HK$7.37 billion. Recently, there has been frequent news of price increases in the food and beverage industry, and the price of MSG has also quietly risen in the condiment circuit. Price data from Baichuan News shows that in the first three quarters of 2021, the average price of MSG was 8,804 yuan/ton, up 26% from the same period last year; among them, the average price of MSG in the third quarter was 8,921 yuan/ton, up 28% year on year.

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