
天立教育(01773.HK)停牌 將延遲發布2021年度業績

Suspension of 01773.HK will delay the release of 2021 results

即市頭條 ·  Nov 29, 2021 11:46

Tianli Education (01773.HK) announced that as the regulations on the implementation of the Private Education Promotion Law of the people's Republic of China came into effect on September 1st, discussions are still under way with the auditors on the possible impact of the implementation regulations on the related accounting treatment of the final results for the eight months ended August 31, 2021, and no agreement has been reached and therefore the results cannot be released in accordance with the listing rules.

The company said that it will do its best to release the results as soon as practicable, a separate announcement will be issued in due course, and the board meeting will be postponed to another date.

The company announced earlier that it had decided to change the fiscal year balance sheet date from December 31 to August 31, so that the 2021 results would cover the eight-month period from January 1 to August 31, 2021.

At the request of the company, trading in the shares has been suspended briefly since this morning.

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