
大行评级 | 大和:降阿里健康(0241.HK)目标价至15港元 维持买入评级

Daiwa rating | Daiwa: lower the target price of Alibaba Health Information Technology (0241.HK) to HK $15 to maintain the buy rating.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 29, 2021 10:40
Daiwa released a research report on November 29th, citing the management of Alibaba Health Information Technology (0241.HK) as saying that under the current regulatory environment, user growth will inevitably slow down, and it is expected that the company's future development will focus on exploring the long-term value of customers. The company expects revenue to grow at a compound annual growth rate of more than 30% from the second half of 2022 to fiscal year 2025, with direct sales growing faster than third-party businesses. In view of recent regulatory measures that hindered Alibaba Health Information Technology's development into an one-stop online medical platform, the target price was lowered from HK $27 to HK $15, maintaining a "buy" rating. The stock is now trading at HK $7.57, with a total market capitalization of HK $102.12 billion.

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