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Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Shipping stocks collectively strengthen O'Micron or push up freight rates

格隆滙 ·  Nov 29, 2021 10:26
Hong Kong and Hong Kong A shipping stocks collectively strengthened on November 29th, with Hong Kong stocks COSCO Shipping Holdings up 7%, Orient Overseas up 5%, Pacific Shipping and SITC International Holdings up 3%, A shares COSCO Shipping Holdings up nearly 6%, COSCO Haifa up 2%, COSCO Haite, Ningbo Shipping, and China International Marine Containers up 1%.
On the news, COVID-19 variant virus O'Micron appeared on the 26th and quickly spread to Europe, Africa, America and Asia after being diagnosed. Recently, a number of Southeast Asian freight rates rose sharply in November, the reason for the surge may be repeated with the epidemic, a number of flight cancellations in Southeast Asia, Dafei's focus on the Asian market CNC just issued a price increase notice this week, Shekou Port to Bangkok, Thailand, Linchaban Port, price increase USD350/700/700; Shekou to Incheon Busan and other ports, direct price increases USD500/1000/1000. Analysts say O'Micron may aggravate shipping tensions and freight rates may rise again.

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